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Cheating - What To Look For

Is my mate cheating on me?
It seems this is the question I'm posed the most
and my answer is always the same: If you have to ask it, it's more than
likely happening. But wait, don't panic! There are
exceptions to the rule, so let's talk about what to look for.
Most cheaters have a familiar pattern. They all think no one
is watching, unless you have made it clear you are watching them.

My suggestion is to stay calm and don't question or threaten them.
Allow them to go about their business. Just watch and take notes.

Here are some things to watch for:

1). Work schedule changes, more trips are being taken.

2). Work attire changes, dressing up becomes more frequent.

3). Cologne is being worn or a change of cologne is worn.

4). When you call the place of work, you're frequently let off the phone quickly.

5). There are more late hours at work.

6). Attitude changes, including less patience and more anger.

7). A distant and unavailable presence of mind and body.

8). A trip straight to the bathroom to cleanup upon arriving home.

9). The cell phone is turned off when around you.

10). Exercise habits change/increase.


I have caught my partner cheating several times but I love her/him, what do I do?

I wish I had all the right answers for you. One thing I will tell you is to take a day off and really evaluate your situation. Love will make you do crazy things so you really have to take your time.

Do you really love your partner? Or are you just really comfortable. Look at how your life is affected every day by the distraction. Is this what you want? You really have to ask yourself these questions.

You just don't want to wake up in five years and the same thing be happening. Both of you have to be willing to go for the long haul, otherwise you'll be miserable with no way out. That means honesty no holes bared, not even a little white lie, it's unacceptable. It's not for you to worry about monitoring your partner, but for your partner to be honest with him/herself and if your partner can't stay honest she/he needs to get out.

Your situation is a tough one, do you marry your partner for better or worse through sickness and in health. Maybe the both of you should really take a strong look at that, "for better or worse through sickness and in health".


I've been thinking about cheating what should I do?

If you're married or in a committed relationship, you need to finish what you started. Don't take the easy way out and tell yourself that you will only go so far or that you don't want to hurt the other person. You will do more damage not finishing the relationship than hiding a new one. Don't forget you loved that person at one time, and try to remember what it was like and be honest with your mate and yourself.

You have no idea the damage you will cause to the people that mean the most to you. It's worse to try to spare their feelings and hide your secretes because in the end it will come out and there will be a black cloud over whatever kind of relationship you have started. If you really care about this other person do the right thing and finish your commitment.

Although your anatomical mismatch is something you can learn to manage, the bad news is, it's not something that will change over time. The good news is that it sounds like you are dealing with it fairly effectively, and the methods you've been using so far are exactly the right approach.




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