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Dating Rules For Men

Men need rules too. Here are some that will wow that date of yours!

RULE # 1
Liar, liar pants on fire!

RULE # 2
Be on time. Unpunctuality is a fault with "no" redeeming features.
Never ever lie. Period. On your first date you lie through your teeth to be interesting. Great! You get a second date. Now you have to be consistent with all the lies you told on your first date. Five dates later you have to revise for two days before each date. Tricky and painful...right?

RULE # 3
Cleanliness is next to godliness!
Personal hygiene. Very very important. Make sure your nails are clean, the devdas look is completely out so don't torture those tresses anymore and give those poor babies a wash! And if you are a skunk in need of a deo then, pretty polly please , use one!

RULE # 4
Do not ignore your date!

Be attentive, observant and appreciative of your date. This shows your sincerity towards your date.

RULE # 5
Landed in a soup? Ripped your pants while sitting down or worse still caught your date's one piece dress in the door of your car...If something embarrassing happens, just ignore it( that is if you are still alive and kicking!). DO NOT keep referring to it, this will only make the situation scarier.

RULE # 6
Brush up those kissing skills! Practice makes perfect.So to be 'kiss perfect' you will probably have to torture a lot of frogs before you kiss your girl.( poor froggies!!!)

RULE # 7
Say it! If you are having a ball, then let your date know. There is no point in playing guessing games unless your date is a pyschic! If you like something about your date ...tell her pronto.

RULE # 8
Sense of humour A good sense of humour is always the best ice breaker...your friend in need. But if you don't have the right ingredients to tickle those funny bones then don't make desperate attempts at it. 'No joke' is better than 'kachhra joke'

RULE # 9
Daggers out So what if your ideal is Mithun da. Don't look for a fight. Avoid topics which might result in a fist fight! Don't argue, you are here to enjoy yourself so just CHILL.

RULE # 10
Brush the dust of those books! Brush your knowledge regarding the happenings around you.Read the newspaper or watch the news that day to update yourself.This gives you a ground, to have an intelligent conversation. Women hate self-important, conceited bores who are so full of themeslves.( yeah, the Reggie type)

RULE # 11
Confidence is the key success Women really dig confident guys, so that's your mantra to success. Confidence in your voice, manner, posture can do wonders for you. But it can't work if it is completely phony. It has to be sincere.So work on it baby.

RULE # 12
Master the art Master the art of dating, slowly and steadily by reading about it and better still by putting to practice what you read( reading these tips is a good start!) Make it a part of your flesh and blood. Take out as many women as you can but a word of caution...be sincere towards all your dates or your reputation may be wrecked quicker than you can think of

RULE # 13
Are you those shy types? If you are shy around single women .Take out any and every woman as often as you can. Each time pat yourself on the back mentally and feel your confidence grow as shyness goes away more and more..

RULE # 14
Respect your date Be open -- to her, her plans, and the shape that evening. It takes two to enjoy a date so go on indulge the lady

RULE # 15
Knock 'em off their feet Give the gals something to stare at...get it? Look so good that they would want to eat you alive, just like that, without any salt or pepper.

RULE # 16
Never break a 'Rule' Follow every rule in the book faithfully and you will live happily ever after. Just like in those fairy tales....

RULE # 17
Make it look real good! When you take a girl out...make her feel real special. The pick up routine, flowers and candy and the works...play the perfect gentleman to the hilt.

RULE # 18
Act like a cool dude! Please,please, please do not grovel for the next date. It will come to you when it is 'good and ready'

RULE # 19
Control those hands! Don't get very physical with your date. A slight touch on the shoulder or the elbow is acceptable but being extremely huggie-kissie is not a good idea.




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