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Kenya is a land of true wilderness areas and diverse eco-systems embracing snow-capped mountains, tropical rainforest, savannah, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, semi-desert and a lush coastline. The sea brought influences from the outside world, and the passage of the spice trade created the unique coastal culture,


Kenya has a culture born of countless sources. This region has been crossed by the paths of a long and complex history. From the prehistoric records of early man to the present day, Kenya has been a land of unending change, contrasts and diversity.

The early tribal states saw cycles of migration and shifting power, with Kenya as a meeting place for peoples from the plainlands of the south, the forests of the West and the deserts of the North.

The sea brought influences from the outside world, and the passage of the spice trade created the unique coastal culture, where lines between Africa and Arabia blurred. The open coast brought European influences into this world of change and began a turbulent struggle for control whose exotic history linger
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