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Laikipia Plateau Reserve
The eastern escarpment of the Rift Valley known as the Laikipia Plateau, is divided into a patchwork of enormous ranches. Over the years with cooperation from their owners, these farms were transformed into game reserves and now contain some of the most exclusive lodges in the remotest parts of Kenya.

Laikipia Wildlife Forum was founded and an enormous wildlife stronghold was born. The Forum hopes that Laikipia will increasingly be seen as Kenya's foremost exclusive destination due to the select nature of its lodges, the important ecosystem with large wildlife populations, and the fact that the plateau is home to more endangered species than anywhere else in East Africa.

The area is extremely scenic with the escarpment giving way to dramatic wooded gorges and tangled riverine thickets. It has been made famous by Kuki Gallman who wrote 'I Dreamed of Africa' about her life in this secluded part of Africa. It is an area unknown to package tourists because all the accommodation is on private land where you are treated more like a house guest than a tourist.

The Laikipia Plateau has considerable animal populations and is one of the last refuges of the endangered Black Rhino and has the largest elephant population outside of Kenya's national parks and reserves.

The Rainy Season is long hot and humid rainy period starts around April and lasts until June, then the short rains come during the warm months of November and December.

The Dry Season from January through March are hot and dry, while July to October are warm and dry. The warm dry season is the best for game viewing and for personal comfort.

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