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Date Ideas

Date Ideas

Hopefully everyone will experience that one incredible date. Whether it lasts all day long and is simply romantic, or is just the most random and exciting adventure, we all want that one special date with the perfect person for us. Our Date Ideas give you the tools to create that memorable date.

An Athletic Date

Invite someone to go on an athletic date with you. It is a very different date, but you will work out and have fun at the same time. One good way to make it a little interesting, is to let your date choose the sport. You make up a list of possible athletic dates and let your date chose the one that sounds more excitig. Some examples of cool sports that you can do are: bowling, roller bladding at the park, hiking, horse back riding, tennis, etc. Find out what sports are avaialble around your area so both of you can enjoy a day of sports and lovin'.

An educational date

Go somewhere where you can have a good time and also learn something new. Historical sites, like museums, can be interesting if you are into historical things. You might be surprised by how many historical attractions there are once you start looking. If you're not interested in histroy, go to the zoo to check out the wild life.

Take a factory tour

There are lots of factories that offer really interesting factory tours. For example, Ben and Jerry's ice cream offers a great factory tour if you happen to live in Vermont. If you live near Napa Valley in California, most wineries offer really interesting tours. Look in your area and see what you can find, or check out this list of great factory tours

Rent a hotel room for the evening

You have two options here. For pure fun and the thrill of doing something naughty, rent a room that is available by the hour, has a coin-operated bed, and or a hot tub in the room. You'll enjoy the sleaze factor immensely. You can also rent a room at the new posh hotel downtown. This will set you back a little bit but there is nothing like sipping champagne, dressed in nothing but a comfy robe to get the romance flowing. Hang out, watch movies, order room service and spend the whole day in bed. Get yourself the Kama Sutra Weekender Kit and you'll be set!

Get really good tickets to a sporting event

Splurge and get those second row seats. Do it early enough and they won't demand your first born as repayment. Seriously though, plan ahead and you should be able to get good seats for not too much money. This is the perfect activity for two avid sports fans. Remember, the nosebleed section is okay if you are with your buddies, but the point here is to be remembered. Nothing says "I think you're cool" like seats on the 50-yard line.

Look at Christmas lights together

Make yourself a warm drink (peppermint schnapps and hot cocoa comes to mind) and jump on a horse drawn carriage through the prettiest area in your town. Many towns have a Christmas light parade, so tag along and don't forget to keep your date warm. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, the lights are pretty so you should go check them out.

Plan a picnic in the park

Grab a good bottle of wine and have lunch in the park. You can make it as fancy as you want (sandwiches or a fully catered meal) just don't forget a blanket and a small bottle of bug spray.

Seek out a local art opening and schmooze

Look in the weekend guide for local art openings. Go explore and learn about the artist and his work. You never know when you may come upon something you really like and want to add it to your collection. Plus, art openings are free and usually offer hors d'oeuvres and wine, so it's a good place to start the night out.

Go to the arboretum or botanic garden

Make sure that the weather will be nice and allow yourself plenty of time for strolling through the gardens. Check the internet for the location of the gardens in your town.

Look at the stars onboard a moonlit sail

If you live near a lake or ocean plan a moonlit sail; with the stars above and nothing but the two of you on the water how can you resist a kiss? If neither of you know how to sail, charter a boat and a skipper and enjoy the ride.

If you're a City Girl/Guy escape to the country for the afternoon

Drive through the open plains and take deep breaths of fresh country air. Spend the day in the city if you are living on the farm from day to day. Stop at a local diner for dinner and a taste of the town.

Go to your local airport and watch planes land and take off

Lay back on the hood of your car and cuddle up next to your sweetie. This date idea doesn't cost anything and is quite romantic.

Plan a weekend away

Nothing says I love you like a romantic weekend getaway. Check out our Vacation Auction for the perfect trip.

Feed each other dinner

Fondue is back and is the perfect way to spend the evening with your honey. Feed strawberries dipped in chocolate or bread smothered in cheese to your sweetie; you pick, just be prepared for some smoochin!

Spend the day at the aquarium and go out for seafood at night

Going to the aquarium is much different than just looking in your neighbors fish tank. You can check out the great whites and the penguins at the aquarium and then the lobsters at your favorite seafood restaurant. Or order seafood online and have it delivered fresh for your gourmet dinner! Nothing says "I Love You" like looking at fishies all day, and then eating them at night! The same goes for the zoo...

Charter a helicopter and take a tour of the city at night

Check out your local yellow pages or search the Internet for tour operators. If you live in a major city it shouldn't be a problem tracking this information down. Helicopter tours run about $400 for an hour on a specified tour. Some companies offer their helicopters for charters. This will run you about $500 per flight hour.

Rent 4x4's and go riding through sand dunes

Sand Dunes are usually found near coasts but there are even some in the Midwest. Rent a couple of 4x4's and go on an adventure for the afternoon. Bring a picnic along and have dinner by the beach at the end of the day.

Enroll in ballroom dancing classes together

Set aside one night a week where the two of you take dancing classes just for fun. Make sure you are not commenting on your partners skills but emphasize that it is something fun for you to do to



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