Advice : Never buy a plot without a lawyers help!!As in
every poor land there are people trying to cheat the "newcomers".
And it's usualy the people from your own country, which will
try to trick you,not the Kenyans. Even myself, I've had to
pay my share and learn...If you're in doubt, better ask your
Embassy, how to buy land.
And use a good
to finish the deal correct! In case you have any question,feel
free to ask,just
your question to me (Andre)
Without a lawyer it is not possible to buy a plot. The price
for a lawyer is usually depending on how much the plot will
cost. Ask your embassy in Kenya ,which lawyer they recommend.The
person which want to sell you the plot MUST have a
Deed.(click here to see it)
A Title Deed is the paper which is showing the real owner,
then you will need a lawyer,to check if the title deed is
an original and not fake.
If that person which is selling the plot does not have a Title
Deed,with her/his name on it.Then you can not buy it.Because
then there is no proove that he/she is the real owner!!
Also must the Title Deed be "commercial",and
not "farming" land.Farming land means only a kenyan
can posess it,and you can not build.
"Commercial" means,a foreigner can buy it,with
his name on the title deed,and you are allowed to build
on it.If the plot is farming land,then it is possible to
change it into
commercial land,but will take about 2 years time.And it
should be done not by you,but by the one who owns the plot
right now!!
Don't buy land with a "company",then allways somebody
else is also "inside" ,which you want to avoid.
About prices: they will not go up in the next 1-2 years,only
if government will change many things,with economy,etc.dont
worry about
prices.(in fact prices are stable in diani beach since at
least 12 years) If tey tell that prices will go up, this
its only to make pressure,so that you will buy
quickly....and that you dont have chance of hearing other